Logan Henry
CalRE #01948799
There are so many unique neighborhoods and communities within San Diego. Have look at some of our favorites:
The Move MeterSM lets you compare locations based on living affordability, average home prices and other important factors.
Marketing Your Home
I am proud to deliver exceptional property marketing designed to attract attention from a wide network of prospective buyers to showcase your property’s distinctive qualities.
Take a look at our exclusive marketing strategies that will help your home sell for the best price possible.
Our comprehensive plan includes professionally printed mailers, full-color property brochures and so much more. From concept to completion, your property will be uniquely cared for and expertly marketed.
Virtual marketing, the most strategic means of targeting buyers in this environment, gets results quickly and broadens our reach.
Our exclusive property spotlight marketing plan offers results that other brokerages simply can’t match – helping you net more on the sale of your house*.
*Based on Coldwell Banker property spotlight marketing plan usage data reported through May 31, 2022: On average, sellers whose agents use the plan benefit with a 1% higher sales price.